Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Where Do I Start?

   Have you been wanting to take an idea, project, burning desire and make it happen?   But instead it sits collecting dust because no matter how excited you are about it, taking that first step can be like leaping off a cliff.
   We (I include myself) tend to put it on the back burner for later claiming we don’t have the time, too much that has to be done, wondering if it’s worth pursuing.   We’ll think about it when we have more time.
   More time, that’s a laugh.  Who ever says “Wow!  I have so much time on my hands, what should I do?”  Our lives seem to be on stress mode until we fall asleep and I’m not even sure we get a break then.
   Giving yourself time to do things you enjoy tends to bring on feelings of guilt and/or frustration because of everything else pulling at you.  That’s because the thought of working on it, no matter how much you want to do it, feels overwhelming.  It is so HEALTHY to take that time to do the things you are drawn to that can enrich your life.
Often it’s because we don’t know where to start.   

   Maybe start by scheduling a Solo Play Date once a week (as suggested in The Artist Way by Julia Cameron), just to take your mind off the day to day.  As you relax, that’s when the good stuff starts rising to the surface, revelations, ideas about your ideas, and just plain fun happens.  Schedule it in your calendar and do not cancel it.  Make it a priority.  From there add time a few days a week, even if it’s only a half hour at a time to imagine the possibilities for your project and make notes.
   It can be helpful to join a group to keep you on track and accountable to make it happen.    When discussing ideas, concerns, choices out loud with others, pay attention how you express yourself and you may discover insight about yourself.  Those you are sharing with can provide encouragement, a new perspective when feeling stuck, name your strengths, motivate each other to keep moving forward, be a sounding board.

 Sometimes the best way to get going is to take a deep breath then step out of your comfort zone and take a leap of faith. 

Magic happens.

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