Monday, November 20, 2017

November 24 is Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day

   “Everyone has a unique talent or skill at which they truly excel.
   Today is the day to embrace those quirky abilities and show them off to everyone else.” Check out the awesome picture above. Have you ever seen anything like it before?
   Kind of like the many hands that make one face, we are all part of a large, puzzle called the Universe, with millions of pieces, each one shaped different from the next. Your piece is special, with it‟s own colors, design, personality, style. Without your piece, the puzzle cannot be whole or complete.
   Often, we look at others and think, wow, they are so talented. I wish I could do that, be like that, look like that, thought of that. Don't sell yourself short. It‟s not always easy to recognize our own special abilities because they come so naturally, it‟s a part of us we rarely notice. Others notice and they are saying, I wish I could be like you.
   Give yourself a break and think about what you love, what gives you pleasure, and what do you get so caught up in you lose all sense of time and place. Whatever that is nourishes your unique talents.    So when someone compliments you, they see your specialness. 
   On Friday, November 24th, the day after Thanksgiving, take a moment or the whole day to continue being thankful for your one-of-a-kind, unique talents only you possess. You deserve it.