Friday, August 11, 2017



A definition of Mindfulness:
Putting all your focus into the very thing you are doing without allowing outside interruptions.

It’s free, portable and can be done in an instant at any given moment.

  While driving, check all around you not just through the rear view mirror.  Pay attention to your own driving speed, etiquette and pace.  By doing so, you are able to open up your awareness to the point that you may anticipate another car’s sudden move and can respond more quickly and effectively.

When you realize you are stressing over something, be mindful of your breathing.  Do you hold your breath or is your breathing rapid?  By taking a moment to regulate your breathing you can reduce stress effectively.  You can start by taking a lot of quick breaths that acknowledges the stress then change off to a slow inhale to 7 counts, hold 7 counts, exhale 7 counts.  Do it three times.  With each exhale, notice the difference in your body as it falls into a more flowing and balanced energy.

How about when you interact with others.  Do you actually look at them; I mean really look at them, in the eye?  Is your handshake on purpose and not just a reaction?  

 When you hug someone you care about, hug heart to heart, your left to their right and feel both bodies interact.  Did you know the act of touching can actually align your nervous systems so you feel more connected?  

And have you ever stopped to notice not just what you are eating 
but how quickly you eat, the flavors in each bite,
each ingredient that goes into the meal and
the value of nourishing your body?  In doing so, you will most likely eat more slowly which is better for digestion, enjoy your food more and even eat less, which could help regulate your weight and will improve your health.

It only takes a few seconds. 
Try it with one of the above activities or something you do
without thinking, some habit that you haven’t paid much attention
 to in a long time. 
Do it really, really slowly and with extreme mindfulness. 
Be sure you keep your thoughts in the moment and only on
that activity, don’t let your mind wander or let
outside distractions disconnect this exercise. 
Connect to it at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.  Immerse yourself into this activity
like you have never before and make the most of it, beyond the normal time it takes, keep with it until you have maximized every aspect of this activity and see where it takes you.  You may find a better way of doing it, a more enjoyable use of this habit,
maybe even find it is not necessary and replace it with something
more useful in your daily routine.  Something that simple,
which takes so little time, can give you the power to make
your life richer, more meaningful, more productive
and possibly changes you in ways you never imagined. 
You can’t possibly lose a thing by opening yourself to mindful living.

Our lives are filled with so much activity coming at us at all directions.  Technology dominates our existence, sometimes
to the point that you lose sight of the connection to the
human being that you are –
the most valuable device you will ever have. 
Your unique contribution to this world will not be found outside yourself but within. 
Discover it through mindfulness.