Wednesday, November 27, 2013


The month of December is when we celebrate 


December 21 is the first day of Winter, also known as Winter Solstice.
  Many cultures and spiritual teachings take this day to celebrate with special rituals, ceremonies, parties and prayers.

Although I now live in Southern California, I grew up in the Mid-West so I am familiar with a strong winter season of snow storms, black ice and below freezing temperatures.  I also have fond memories of waking up early Christmas morning to freshly fallen snow and a kind of midnight blue sky you see on greeting cards . . . quiet and magical.    

Winter is also associated with hibernation. The bears do it and the chilly weather encourages us to do the same.  
The Winter Solstice marks a time to pause and take a look at your life, the past year and what you've done.  
It's part of the cycle -- rest (Winter cycle of reflection and connecting to your inner self / your feelings).  
Next will be taking those feelings and think about what you want to do with them -- preparation stage (Spring cycle of birthing ideas with the new birth of life in nature just beginning to show).  
Once you've made a plan, the time for action has arrived (Summer cycle) of getting out and doing things.  
Next comes the time for celebrating putting your ideas into action (Fall cycle of harvesting all you have accomplished).  
Then we return to the rest cycle again.  And so it continues.  

Let me offer you a suggestion as to how to acknowledge this time:

Create a ritual around HONORING YOURSELF and YOUR OWN TRUTH by giving yourself some time to kick back with a hot cup of your favorite drink to keep you warm and allow your mind to drift.  
What do you like about yourself, what have you done that you are proud of -- this is something we rarely do for ourselves which is very sad.  We need to remember all the stuff we actually need instead of concentrating on that big "To Do" list.  Notice the times you did something brave you didn't know you could do, speaking from your heart and feeling how freeing that is, stood up for yourself and felt your own power. 

The Solstice is always a time of change, reset, release of the past and a movement into a new cycle.  THIS SOLSTICE IS ABOUT ANCHORING YOUR DREAMS AND INTENTIONS by creating time for yourself to rest and reflect on what those dreams and intentions are that mean the most to you.  YOUR DESIRES SHOULD BE GIVEN TOP PRIORITY.  DON'T BE AFRAID TO DREAM BIG!  If you are still feeling the weight of what you have carried, changed, released processed, started or created these past months, release it somehow in a fire or other ceremonial way. 

 When you release these things, you can then take a rest and allow those dreams to take shape.  Make sure you do it in a way that is uniquely yours that you will enjoy.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Saturday, November 30, 2013


A day to celebrate and support small businesses
and all they do for their communities.
supplies, materials and services locally.)

Please join SBA (Small Business, 
American Express, Twitter, Facebook,
and organizations across the country
in supporting our local small business
by shopping at our small business.

 It is with great pleasure that I announce that
 is one of the small businesses featured on
American Express' site for this event:

on Saturday, November 30th we offer 
FREE United States Postal Service 
First Class shipping
for all orders to be shipped locally
 in the Los Angeles area.

 We will announce the shipping code 
Friday, November 29th on our website:

There are 2 ways you can shop on Saturday:

1)  ONLINE at our etsy shop
from the comfort of your own home 
(in your pajamas if you prefer!)


2)  By visiting our local UPS Store located in Toluca Lake
10061 Riverside Dr.   Toluca Lake, CA
between 10am and 5pm
Stop by to browse the products in person, meet the owner,
purchase ready made products or place your custom orders.

 Thank you for your patronage.