Monday, January 20, 2014


from January 2014 Paper Architect Community Newsletter

Comparing ourselves to others is a sure way to crush our self esteem.

There will always be someone smarter, better looking, thinner, richer, younger than us.

We have our week and strong attributes but for each of us, they are in different areas which strengthens what makes us unique.  In fact, there have been times when our weaknesses lead us to creating things in a new and different way turning us into innovators.
In my business of making journals, I strive to make them as perfect as possible.  I take pride in doing my best so whoever receives it is feeling the love and energy put into the journal.
I have also been fanatical about testing the journals to see how well the materials hold up and tweaking the formats when needed before offering them for sale.  I'm especially proud of the journals that I have designed out of my own need for something I could not find out in the marketplace -- tea  journals, photo and travel logs.  There is nothing more satisfying than doing what you love and sharing it with others.

I use handmade papers that always have natural irregularities which gives each sheet its own personality.  In my opinion, the irregularities is what makes them beautiful.
No matter how careful I am, I have difficulty making my journals perfectly.  Sometimes I learn from the imperfections which allows me to improve upon the design and other times I cannot accept the outcome and start over.  I want the customer to have the very best.  If you've ever watched the TV series MONK, which is about an obsessive, compulsive detective, you see how he has difficulty with imperfection, often wasting large amounts of food, materials, etc.  It also gave me a window into my own need to be perfect and how absurd it is wasting time, money and materials.  Who would think a funny TV show would leave me to coming to terms with my imperfections and actually accepting tht I am not perfect.  I continue to always do my best in everything I do, pushing myself to improve, grow, learn and expand my experience as a creative being.  It's about quality more than perfection.

In fact, I found a stamp that I often use not just for the person who buys or uses my products but myself as well, that these items are made by a human being.  It reads:

"This is an individually crafted
Any smudges, splotches, or other irregularities are
intentional and do not diminish the quality
of this piece in anyway."

If we were perfect, what a dull life we would lead.  
It's our unique imperfection that gives us opportunities to learn what we don't know, reflect on our strengths and weaknesses, so we an work on improving them and most of all, to celebrate our individual unique design that makes us who we are.

But once we are able to acknowledge and accept ourselves that's when the magic happens.  Giving gratitude will enhance your experiences.

 There will always be someone who finds your 'weaknesses' and uses them against you.  But if you are able to embrace your imperfections, it will not effect you so severely because you know that your imperfections are perfect.

"I accept myself just as I am now.
.I give thanks for myself and my imperfections.
I give myself permission 
To transform and beautify my personal tapestry."
~Sue Patton Thoele~



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