Friday, December 13, 2013


from December 2013 Paper Architect Community Newsletter

You can look at Winter Solstice as the beginning process of closing out the year and preparing for the next.  Between the Solstice and New Year's Eve is a perfect opportunity to go within (hibernate) and take stock of the past year.
Make a list of all the high points of the past year -- special moments, events, realizations, accomplishments, changes, new relationship.  I usually do this right before I write my holiday letter to my friends.  Not only do I have content to share, but it also gives me a chance to reflect on what transpired over the year in a somewhat objective point of view.
The bonus is that it always helps me get a perspective on where my life has been heading and in observing the transitions throughout the year, can find so much to be thankful for as well as helping me to get a clearer view of the big picture so I can make adjustments, updates, take new directions to move closer to where I want to be in my life going forward.
There have been times when I thought not much happened over the year or it was not so great, but when I started going through my appointment calendar and journal entries month by month, to my surprise, I discovered just how much I have to be grateful for.
It's worth taking the time to honor your life and the successes you've had over the year.  That way, it makes things clearer as to what direction you want to take going into the New Year.

Which leads me to the tradition of New Year's Resolutions.
More often than not, we set them out of "I should do what's good for me" list.  This makes them difficult to keep because they are based on 'shoulds' -- should give up, should start doing and not on what you actually would welcome into your life.
That's why I prefer to create 2/two lists on New Year's Eve as part of my New Year Ritual.
One list is saying goodbye to all the things I don't want to continue into the next year.
The second lists all the things I want to have in my life.
From there I create Intentions/Goals* to work on using the methods I teach in the Dare To Be Creative Workshop.  By the time January 1st is here, there is a sense of purpose and direction that motivates me to move forward toward manifesting them. 
And of course, don't forget to save space for magic and miracles.

*Paper Architect has created an INTENTION BOOKLET, available for sale on our online marketplace:

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


The month of December is when we celebrate 


December 21 is the first day of Winter, also known as Winter Solstice.
  Many cultures and spiritual teachings take this day to celebrate with special rituals, ceremonies, parties and prayers.

Although I now live in Southern California, I grew up in the Mid-West so I am familiar with a strong winter season of snow storms, black ice and below freezing temperatures.  I also have fond memories of waking up early Christmas morning to freshly fallen snow and a kind of midnight blue sky you see on greeting cards . . . quiet and magical.    

Winter is also associated with hibernation. The bears do it and the chilly weather encourages us to do the same.  
The Winter Solstice marks a time to pause and take a look at your life, the past year and what you've done.  
It's part of the cycle -- rest (Winter cycle of reflection and connecting to your inner self / your feelings).  
Next will be taking those feelings and think about what you want to do with them -- preparation stage (Spring cycle of birthing ideas with the new birth of life in nature just beginning to show).  
Once you've made a plan, the time for action has arrived (Summer cycle) of getting out and doing things.  
Next comes the time for celebrating putting your ideas into action (Fall cycle of harvesting all you have accomplished).  
Then we return to the rest cycle again.  And so it continues.  

Let me offer you a suggestion as to how to acknowledge this time:

Create a ritual around HONORING YOURSELF and YOUR OWN TRUTH by giving yourself some time to kick back with a hot cup of your favorite drink to keep you warm and allow your mind to drift.  
What do you like about yourself, what have you done that you are proud of -- this is something we rarely do for ourselves which is very sad.  We need to remember all the stuff we actually need instead of concentrating on that big "To Do" list.  Notice the times you did something brave you didn't know you could do, speaking from your heart and feeling how freeing that is, stood up for yourself and felt your own power. 

The Solstice is always a time of change, reset, release of the past and a movement into a new cycle.  THIS SOLSTICE IS ABOUT ANCHORING YOUR DREAMS AND INTENTIONS by creating time for yourself to rest and reflect on what those dreams and intentions are that mean the most to you.  YOUR DESIRES SHOULD BE GIVEN TOP PRIORITY.  DON'T BE AFRAID TO DREAM BIG!  If you are still feeling the weight of what you have carried, changed, released processed, started or created these past months, release it somehow in a fire or other ceremonial way. 

 When you release these things, you can then take a rest and allow those dreams to take shape.  Make sure you do it in a way that is uniquely yours that you will enjoy.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Saturday, November 30, 2013


A day to celebrate and support small businesses
and all they do for their communities.
supplies, materials and services locally.)

Please join SBA (Small Business, 
American Express, Twitter, Facebook,
and organizations across the country
in supporting our local small business
by shopping at our small business.

 It is with great pleasure that I announce that
 is one of the small businesses featured on
American Express' site for this event:

on Saturday, November 30th we offer 
FREE United States Postal Service 
First Class shipping
for all orders to be shipped locally
 in the Los Angeles area.

 We will announce the shipping code 
Friday, November 29th on our website:

There are 2 ways you can shop on Saturday:

1)  ONLINE at our etsy shop
from the comfort of your own home 
(in your pajamas if you prefer!)


2)  By visiting our local UPS Store located in Toluca Lake
10061 Riverside Dr.   Toluca Lake, CA
between 10am and 5pm
Stop by to browse the products in person, meet the owner,
purchase ready made products or place your custom orders.

 Thank you for your patronage.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Just in time to help you prepare for the holiday season and the New Year.
Last workshop of the year.

You asked and we listened.
As a result of your survey feedback we have expanded the workshop
so you have more time to complete the exercises,
more elements to your Oracle reading exercise,
and receiving additional relevant information 
to guide your creative process
and empower you to have the courage to create the life you want.

DATE:  Saturday, November 2, 2013
TIME:  11am - 4:30pm with a half hour break
the Hummingbird and the Honey Bee
1414 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Suite 103  
Thousand Oaks, CA  91362
CALL to RESERVE YOUR SPACE:   805 495 5824
COST:  $80.00 including materials and handouts

It has been said that our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate
but that we are powerful beyond measure.
And we fear what we don't understand.

So we must find the courage to face who we truly are
and understand how we can best utilize the power within --
this power that creates our own world
and in turn, the world at large.

Creating from the power within us is a constant process
and more effective when we do it consciously.

So join us on a self-discovery journey
to connect with your power through the creative process.
Whether it's creating a more fulfilling life
or tapping into your artistic flow,
face your fears and DARE TO BE CREATIVE!

Coax your inner spark to come out and light up the world.

Friday, September 20, 2013



‘You become what you think about.

Our minds are powerful things.

Train yourself to think only about what you want,

not about what you don’t want.’

Earl Nightingale

How difficult is it for you to accept yourself, just as you are?  Meaning no judgments, this is who I am and I’m okay with it. 

Most of us know we aren’t perfect and are aware of what we see as the things that are wrong with us.  What we see as wrong or right with us make up our belief system.  What we sometimes forget is that this isn’t a permanent place to be.  What we believe about ourselves become our experiences.  We can change our belief system by changing what we believe.  When we change what we believe, it changes the outcome. 

Accepting who you are, just as you are, will allow you to explore the limiting beliefs that you have about yourself so you can adjust them.  What a freeing idea.  It’s not about what others think, it’s about what you think about you that counts, that will best direct your life.  Your belief system evolves from what you observe, hear and learn as a child.  It dictates how you choose to approach life. If you believe you can’t do it then you can’t, it’s that basic.  But if you believe you can do something and you remove any limiting beliefs, it seems as though all of life supports you and incredible things start to happen.  If you are positive in this moment, in the constant “nows”/moments of your life, by eliminating those limiting beliefs and just focusing and what you want, you can be sure they will manifest. 

This is a simple statement but it is true if you get the meaning behind it.  First is how to get rid of those limiting beliefs.  As you imagine whatever it is you desire, that little editing voice will no doubt pop up and start telling you it you can’t.  It’s that part of you that is in survival mode and is afraid of stepping out of its comfort zone so it tries to protect you from having to grow and take chances in order to attain the very things you want.  Fear, doubt, anger brews.  There is a way to fix that.  Face them instead of running away or ignoring them and then rearrange their words into positive statements, take the images of failure that are conjured up with these feelings and send them a warm glow of love and watch them melt away.  When we doubt our abilities, we cancel out the effect of creating what we want.  We stifle the flow of energy that is allowing us to create.  Fear blocks, love flows.  Choose which you want to guide your life.  Don’t let anyone step on your dream, they are coming from their own fears and limitations so don’t get caught up in their belief system.  You have enough to do just taking care of with your own!

Even if we choose love over fear, the fear still tends to creep in from time to time.  This is a process that we must always be working on in order to strengthen our ability to manifest what we desire.  It’s important to have faith, a belief in yourself that you can make the changes in your life that you choose to make.  You can only change what you are willing to accept responsibility for.  So when you take responsibility for the life you have, and choose to make the changes for the life you want, it comes down to believing you can, in believing in yourself.  Start with creating an image of what you believe your life should be.  Hold onto the image no matter what.  Visit it often, especially when doubt creeps in.  History books are full of people, often ordinary people like you and me, who believed in themselves no matter what others said or did, and had the courage to hold that image of what they believed until it came true.  They changed history just as you can change your history and write your own success story.

By believing in yourself through thoughts, feelings, imagination, and action, you will feel that power that has always been in you.  You are the master of your life and you can direct the outcome.  Believe it, believe in yourself and amazing things will happen for you. 

Believe in yourself – you are what you think.

 from July - August 2013 Paper Architect Community Newsletter

Thursday, August 22, 2013

September 15 & 22, 2013 - Mandala Workshop

Our next 
Create Personalized Healing Mandalas Workshop 
is scheduled.
It will be held at the newly opened ART PARLOR, a fantastic art space with strong creative energy.

We take time to nourish and pamper our body,
why not nourish and pamper your spirit.
Take time for a spa treatment for your soul
to create optimum health from the inside out. 
This workshop has 2 sessions, 4 hours each with homework between meetings.
DATES:  Sundays, September 15th & 22nd
 TIMES for BOTH DATES:  11am - 3pm
5302 Laurel Canyon Blvd.  
Valley Village, CA 91607
FEE:  $260 includes 8 hours/2 session workshop, all materials used throughout the class, for homework and a kit to take home for future use.  Fun, cool stuff.
 BY PHONE:  818 468 6005
 Pre-payment guarantees your place in the workshop 
as space is limited.
  •  small intimate classes with personalized attention
  • explore a broad spectrum about mandalas
  • engage your spirit in some playful and enlightening exercises
  • work on several mandalas including 2 full-size versions
  • all materials needed for class, homework & kit to take home is included; just bring yourself
  • a light spa snack will be provided during break
  • design a personal road map of your life
  • learn to interpret the meaning in your mandala
  • connect to your own healing abilities and learn how to use them
  • discover their benefits and how to incorporate them into your daily life
  •  develop a stronger body/mind/spirit connection for complete health
  • no art experience necessary
Life is a blessing,
your mandala is a way of celebrating your life.